Good morning loves! It is indeed a beautiful sunny day in Nairobi,and the public holiday tops it! No school today!!(doing the happy dance) Happy Madaraka day,X(. Madaraka 1st June commemorates day that Kenya attained internal self-rule in 1963 preceding full independence from the United Kingdom) Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!I had a chilled weekend,with a temporary depression!Suffered a major hair crisis on Saturday,left the saloon in a beanie!But I did some "pimping" yesterday and I have to say,I'm happy it was done wrong!lol So today I going to talk about coffee! This is a drink made from the roasted and ground beanslike seeds of a tropical shrub,served hot or iced(borrowed from the internet) Coffee plant(photo courtesy of the internet) Cofee beans(photo courtesy of the internet) As I was growing up,my dad used to drink coffee on a daily basis,especially in the evening after a long day from work. So I and my siblings,especiall...