Hi everyone!!
I'm not going to the basic apologies of " I'm sorry for not having posted for sometime" cos it's been agess. In this case I'd just blame it on my final year at campus which comes with a lot to do my research project being one of them. But it's over now...done and done!
Starting with my title for today's post okay a word which I got from this fiction novel that I finished reading over the last week end called The fault in our stars-#1 New York Times BestSeller and currently a major motion picture from 20th Century Fox.
The word was used by this young teenage couple when ending their conversations. I do use this word quite a lot sometimes when not in the mood to write or express my feelings.And I know my dad uses the ok word a lot I times since he's not a texting person.There is this one Christmas when he wasn't with us because he had to travel for work. So I texted him (don't remember what exactly- probably merry Christmas dad we really miss you )and he replied with more than just an ok and I got super excited and showed off to everyone at home.
So I am a seasonal books person but when that season is turnt on,I literally spend my money to but the book that I had in mind.
I would that I prefer inspirational books most and a little fiction. My favorite inspo book so far would be The Secret written by Rhonda Brynes and I'm certainly going to share what I learnt from this book in the future (I'm working on getting my editorial calendar )
How did I land myself onto this book? Well,I had seen a lot of posts on instagram on the fault in our stars and how people end up swimming on huge puddles or rather pools of tears after watching the movie.
So I started haunting for this book on a low key only until last week when I went back to Nairobi for clearance and ended up at this mall. I went to the first book shop, a section actually inside Nakumatt super market. I wasn't successful but the guy who was around this time was quite useful. He suggested that I go to textbook center which is also in the same place, Galleria shopping mall. I just went there like "do you have the fault in our stars by John Green?" And she went straight to the shelf and got me a copy. I paid for and got two free book marks (what's with my bookmarks excitement though?)
So the story is about a young teenage girl (16) who has thyroid cancer and it gets so baad that she has walk with her oxygen tank all the time because the cancer affects her lungs.Her mom decides to take her to this support group because she thinks her daughter is depressed and she doesn't have a life!
The girl is called Hazel Grace and in one of the sessions at the support group she meets this very cute guy,super cute called Augustus Waters (I'm gonna stop with the cute eish).
But,it's a fiction so I can cute all I want can't I?
And well they become friends and lovers eventually. The boy has a "bad" type of cancer which he refers to as a rollercoster which only goes up! I have to admit that I really loove their relationship cos it's a lot of books and poetry in between...Hazel likes reading books mostly. It gets really sad in the end because Gus- Augustus dies.
Generally,this story is well fictioned and I'm still thinking considering whether to look for the movie or save myself the tears. I'm actually scared of looking for the movie but I'll probably watch it someday.
My favorite parts of the story would be these few quotes that I found very inspirational!
First this mantra that Hazel referred to as stupid, "Living your best life today"
And another one from the famous serenity prayer of St.Francis ,"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to make the difference"
And I have to say that the positive energy that Augustus has for a person who is sick and know that he's certainly going to die is just beyond! In the story it is not until the very end that you can tell that he's in real pain. This taught me a lot cos I really suck at being sick...I'm not quite good at being strong if that's how it should be put.
And I also learnt these two important words in any relationship be it family or friends:-
Hazel had used a wish granted to her to visit Disney land but Gus offered to share his wish so that they'd go to Amsterdam together just for his girlfriend to meet the author of a book she's totally obsessed with.
Hazel's mom have up her job just to be a full time mom and take care of her sick baby, moms are just beyond amazing and I wouldn't for once understand why would a mother in real life abandon her kids for any reasons (not judging)
The most important thing is living our very best lives today. To be grateful all the time for this precious gift of life!
-pray hard
-be thankful
-set goals and implement them
-do whatever makes you happy
-laugh harder
-eat enough(food is happiness)
-learn how to forgive
-fall in love
And if you're still young,be as productive as you can because it is at this age that you can move your muscles!
Live, laugh, love!
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