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Coming out of the hiding

Hello , are you still there

It has been AGES and so many of you had been asking offline when will I get back here again, well guess what we are back and I could not be more excited. So many things have changed over the past few years, there has been a major shift on most of our favourite bloggers moving to the youtube world because no millennial has got time to read all that that stuff (lol) but it is all good, technology is constantly evolving and you either have to jump into the bandwagon or you get left far behind. My passion for writing and photography got me back here even after trying to run away from it - literally (zimwi likujualo ... a famous Swahili saying)

A lot has been happening in my world,  ADULTING has happened the most, internships, a full time job, being jobless, cutting my afro :( etc etc

There are various good lessons that I learned over the two years and I would  love to share with you guys:

  • Each one of us has their story scripted by God way before we were born, trust unto God. 
  • Tough times are there to shape us for the good things that are in store for us 
  • Family is everything. 
  • Energy is everything, you need to guard your energy and stay positive all the time. Even if it means you have to walk away from a certain tribe or enviroment 
  • You cannot change the past, just focus on the now and work on the better future 
  • Follow your gut 
  • Your health, physical and mental health is far more important than the money
  • Hard work pays, ALWAYS. 
  • You do not owe anyone an explanation 
  • Trust your journey 
  • Ageing is actually a good thing. I turned twenty five last month and I have never been more excited! 
  • Pray, during the high tides and the low tides. 
  • Stay growing, but at your own pace
  • Listen
  • Do not let the society define you, stay true to yourself - guard your heart. 
My little sister shared with me this video from Steven Furtick a few months ago and I loved it, Q & A session with T.D Jakes, How to build your vision from the ground up; there is a direct link below; 

guess that will be all for now, it feels so good to be back! Look out for more amazing content xxx


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