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The classical music

Hi loves!
Today I want to share with you my experience with classic music.You might all be wondering why would I be interested to write about such a topic.
Well,this is what happened.....last week I had an exam,rather a CAT(Continuous Assessment Test) and well,I was not prepared,we all have those days.So I woke up very early the day before my test,and it was really hard to give up my sleep since I love sleeping a lot,and we all know how hard it is to leave the blankets in the morning.
The subject I was reading has a lot of notes,it's a marketing unit and I had not revised in the longest time!So you can imagine the pressure.As I was doing my "zima moto",my nerves got the best of me because there was so much to read and a little time to do it.I was using my timer but I think it made things even worse,time was flying too fast and the sun was going to come out of the hiding soon:(
Something just crossed my mind about the classic music.I remember hearing people saying that it is a great way of enhancing concentration.So I went to YouTube and typed classic music and voila!So many options were listed.I started studying while listening to one of the playlists I had selected.And I have to admit that it really helped!!!This is what I was doing,at some point I would lower the volume or stop the music for a while when I really felt that my nerves are at ease.I remember telling my friends in class that I listened to classic songs as I was reading because times were hard!I finished that exam very fast,it has been my recent behavior  when I am not sure of what I have written  especially if the exam questions are more of application "think outside the box"so that I do not start second-guessing and go wrong.But normally I would not be the first person out of the exam room,it's a lot of pressure!
Yesterday the lecturer returned our CAT papers and I have to say that I was shocked!I had a very good mark,if I was a little kid,it was a paper I would have taken straight to mom and dad!I know God played a part as well since I pray a lot when I haven't read,lol.
I did some searches online to learn more about the benefits of classic music and I think there is a little controversy,a lot of people have done researches about it.Classic music helps the brain concentrate,it is even advised for an expecting mother to make the baby in the womb listen to classic songs,and infants as well because the baby will grow up to be a genius or rather smart!
One of the websites that I visited was and there is an interesting article by Danielle Sweeney,"Classical music and your baby's brain". She says," Listening to classical music may soothe your baby and turn her into a classical fan later in life,but it won't make her smarter.Researchers at Appalachian State University believe that they have debunked what has been called the Mozart effect,a temporary increase in intelligence experienced after listening to a piano sonata written by a famed composer....."
The article goes on,you can click the link I have attached here to read more.So,you see how this whole classic music thing is perceived differently and I normally don't like take sides but with this one,I have to go with some of the readers who commented on this article.They shared their positive experiences with classical music.I officially love classical music,and maybe I would learn how to play a piano some day,and buy one too(this has to go in my wishlist)
Well,I think we should all try this classic music experience,not necessarily for studying or concentration purposes,but for tranquility purposes as well,when we just want to calm our nerves and find that inner peace.You can just download these songs or go to YouTube and listen directly.
I am studying in Nairobi and one of the restaurants that I like is The Nairobi Java House(I do recommend this restaurant,it is pretty cool)....I really love the music that is normally played in the background,it is very calm and every time I go eat or drink from there I am always looking forward to my next visit,and because of the free Wi-fi as well!hehe
Thank you so much for reading!Have a good day,and do not forget to be humble!

By The Way:
I got the word zima moto from school,it is the way one studies/reads so many things before an exam,cramming rather.I know a lot of people can relate,lol.


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