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Good Friday..

Hi loves!
It has been quite long since I last posted,well,I have been really caught up with my end-of semester exams.I will be done next week though and there is a lot of good stuff in my editorial calender that I am going to be sharing with you!!
It is a long Easter weekend ahead commenced with the good Friday,which according to most christian church rituals,we are not allowed to eat meat today,I have people I know from my school who did not eat meat over the entire period of lent!
I borrowed this meaning of Good Friday from Google,the Friday before Easter Sunday, on which the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated in the Christian Church. It is traditionally a day of fasting and penance.
I think I am going to have the longest Easter weekend though since I have a cold:( and an exam right after Easter.Was stuck in my room all day till later in the evening when I decided to go out for a while.I ended up in a restaurant and I had a very hard time looking at the menu since I love meat!I kept on seeing burger,steak, and everything meat!
I decided to ask for help from the waiter,I clearly explained to him that I was not a fan of greens but I wanted something yum or else I would get tempted to go for a something-meat.
The good thing is,he is a vegetarian so he had some nice dishes in mind! 
He suggested HalluumiVeg wrap!This was totally foreign to me but it sounded -I dont know??not yum!-confused.I think it sounded interesting in my ears,I did not know the right word to use,because delicious is surely not it! 
I had it with some french fries and every time I took a bite, oh emm geee was the expression playing in my head!If you are a vegetarian or even if you are not,but you feel like trying a new type of no-meat-dish then you should definitely go for a HalluumVeg Wrap! and I am 250 percent sure that you will loooove et!
It is something really simple that anyone can prepare:
                                                                               1.Tanderi salad
                                                                              2.Halluumi cheese
                                                                             3.Red pepper
The Helluumi cheese is a dairy product made with goat milk or mostly a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk and thus the  name,HalluumiVeg Wrap.Too bad I do not remember well how it is prepared,step by step..(yup!I can forget that fast!!) but everything is just wrapped in a tortilla!By everything I mean the cheese,cucumber and the rest.And voilla!your wrap is ready to be devoured:)

And this right here is the 'aftermath',you can notice a lot of greens left,well that should be my new three quarters year resolution!

 Please excuse my biiig appetite!Normally,I do not take this much food!heheh

 Have a fabulous Easter weekend everyone!x


  1. I can see my uncle is growing big..! Prouda you uncle.! Kip that flag so hi..!!


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