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last of november city stroll randomness

December in the coast means heat, a lot of heat but the humid doesn't have a thing on the festive season. There's a lot of rain as well,I mean the heat is just as severe as the rain-bipolar weather. Well,Happy new month everyone!The long awaited holiday season is finally here and I must say that I am really excited for Christmas,isn't everyone?
So I'm still hunting for a job but frankly, I haven't engaged fully in the hunt yet(will do so-pinky promise). I wanted to take a little break,a big break after school and just do nothing, and I mean nothing.
My life right now revolves between sleeping, babysitting my beautiful niece- Stacey, home chores and a lot of TV and internet. And by internet I mean being on my phone mostly between tumblr,instagram,weheartit,pinterest and youtube .
Last week I had to go run some errands in town and when I was done i just felt like going somewhere and cool off for a minute or two cos the heat in Dar is insane! For those of you who live in Dar or have been to here know the Askari monument. So there's this cafè that is on the same lane as the New Africa hotel, I decided to drop in and have a look around and probably an ice cold drink to cool me down.  The place is  called Mokka city cafè and lounge.I loved loved the guy who served me, he hosted me very well and there's something about a good customer service,we all love to be treated well especially if the service we want is traded in with our money.
I decided to seat in one of the booths at the far end corner of the restaurant and ordered for a lemon flavored iced tea. I asked for a samosa later on to go along with my cold drink. At some point I thought that they had forgotten about my samosa and too bad I did not take a photo of it. But this was one of the best samosa I had eaten in ages considering the fact that I do not really love samosas. The tea was also perfect and it totally quenched my thirst! By the way, I think I saw a tripadvisor sticker on the cafè's  door and thatcan only mean one thing,Mokka city is a good cafe.
I am not sure of how long this lounge has been there but I'd recommend it to anyone who been there yet.
I have been working on my vision board or rather inspirational board and a new post about  I'm super excited to share it with you soon.

Have a lovely week!xo


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